THI’s two-month period of rolling out our rankings of North Carolina’s Top 25 football and Top 25 basketball players of all time are, based only on their careers as Tar Heels, comes to an end today as we unveil our No. 1 basketball player ever.
In May, we ranked UNC’s top 25 football players of all time, and this month we have counted down the best 25 Carolina hoopsters to ever play in Chapel Hill.
As we have done concluding each week in both series, THI staff writer Jacob Turner asks THI Publisher Andrew Jones about the placement of the entries over the previous week, which in this case are the final seven selections for the basketball series.
AJ talks about each player, why they are among UNC’s best ever, and why they are ranked where they are. Today's podcast focuses on the players ranked Nos. 1-7.
*Video edits by Jacob Turner.
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