Published Nov 22, 2016
Naz Jones Talks His Bald Head & N.C. State
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Andrew Jones  •  TarHeelIllustrated

CHAPEL HILL - UNC defensive end Naz Jones had fun after practice Tuesday discussing the bet he lost with Aaron Crawford that resulted in Jones getting his head shaven plus Friday's opponent N.C. State.

In addition, Jones was asked if he might join the seniors on the field before the game, but may have let on about something about Donnie Miles that may surprise some fans.

Jones shaved his head after losing a bet with defensive tackle Aaron Crawford. The bet was whichever player got a sack first this season, the other had to shave his head. Crawford registered a sack versus The Citadel this past weekend.

Below is the interview with Jones, plus below that is photo offering a fuller view of his new bald head.

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Naz Jones offers a ful angle of his new bald head, courtesy of kicker Freeman Jones, who is apparently the team barber.