Published Feb 28, 2025
Hubert Davis Discusses Jim Tanner, GM Role and Vision
Bryant Baucom  •  TarHeelIllustrated
Staff Writer

CHAPEL HILL - North Carolina Head Coach Hubert Davis met with the media on Friday ahead of the Tar Heels' Saturday afternoon matchup with Miami.

While many of the questions revolved around the Hurricanes, others included the topic of Jim Tanner, who was named the General Manager of the UNC Basketball program on Tuesday.

Davis addressed the role Tanner will play in Chapel Hill and why he believed he was a good fit for the program.

Here's a transcript of Davis' answers regarding the GM role:

Note: Below the transcript is video of the full presser.


Q: You guys had the announcement of Jim Tanner coming on board this week and I’ve heard you [say] that you want to focus on this team and the remaining games, but…just wanted to ask you, what do you envision the structure being like with the front office side opening up? How does the workflow go? Can you just give us some insight into how things are going to be set up?

DAVIS: “Well first of all, as I’ve said before, it was a position I think the program wanted and I felt like it was needed. I’m so happy that Jim is a part of our program and a part of our team. I’ve known him for a long time. He’s a great individual and I just enjoy my relationship with him and now my relationship with him in this capacity. I’ve said before and I think I said in the statement when it was publicly announced on Tuesday that he’s going to help out a number of different ways, specifically player contracts, NIL, transfer portal.

"But, in regards to the details of how it’s going to work, that’s information that I don’t know right now because he was just officially hired on Tuesday. I think it’s gonna work great. I really do. I have no question about this being exactly what this program needs and I’m really, really excited about however it turns out, I’m excited about where it’s going. I’m really excited about it.”

Q: When did you kind of realize that this could be something that you needed, that there was more work to be done?

DAVIS: “I don’t have a specific date when I woke up and go ‘Wow, this is something that is needed.’ Obviously college athletics has changed, especially the last four years and coinciding with me being head coach here. I think you should always be in a position of listening and learning. There’s times where you’re going to have to tweak, pivot, alter, and change things and be able to adapt. That’s something that I’ve always been willing to do as a person, as a player, and now as a coach. As I said before, I’m really excited about moving forward and what this is going to look like.”

Q: When it comes to Jim (Tanner) specifically and evaluating best candidates and things like that, as you guys were going along and doing your season, what was the process of going about this season and everything and also trying to discern and decipher a position that you guys were trying to build and your level of involvement in bringing him in?

DAVIS: “The level of involvement for myself was 100 percent. That’s a part of my job, to be able to…it’s not just coaching basketball, there’s a number of things. There’s press conferences, there’s a number of things that you have to do and so that was another thing that was wanted and another thing that was needed. That’s a part of the job and I accept it and I love it.”

Q: You had a long NBA career. How would you compare how this will likely be set up to the structure on NBA teams?

DAVIS: “That’s a great question. Yes, I did play 12 years in the NBA, but it wasn’t 12 years in management. I was the player. I got traded three times. I got waived, I got cut. Again, I think you guys are asking great questions in regards to details, I just don’t have that information now because it’s so new. It’s just so new so I think it would be negligent on my part to dive into the details when it’s only really started since Tuesday. I think that’s a question I can answer a little bit more in detail later.”

Q: From the personal side of things, how much was that relationship a factor in him being the guy that you were comfortable with and can you tell us a little bit more about your relationship?

DAVIS: “Being able to be with somebody that you enjoy in life, that’s a huge thing. I want to work with good people. I want to be around people that I enjoy working with, that when they walk into the room, you break out in a smile and also have not only similar personality traits, but similar [feelings] in terms of loving this place and a commitment to not only this program but this university and this community. For him to have that background of our love for North Carolina, that was a huge piece in us deciding to do this together.”

Q: Did you meet him in school or how long have you known him for?

DAVIS: “I’ve known him since coming back and being an assistant coach with Coach Williams and him being a representative of a number of our former UNC players.”

Q: How challenging was it for you last year [when] the portal opens and you’re still playing in the tournament and I imagine you can only devote so much time or allocate responsibility to others to be prepared for the portal? How much will that change now? How easier will it be for you that you may not have to do the same amount of vetting, while also coaching your team as you had to last year?

DAVIS: “Again, I’m really looking forward to what this is going to look like. Obviously, having Jim [be] a part of our staff helps in regards to the timing and specifically how it helps, those are things that [and] information that I really can’t say right now because it’s been so new, but I definitely, 100 percent, am excited about how it’s going to help. I know it’s going to help and just excited about what this is going to look like moving forward.”

Q: How difficult was it? You’re playing in the NCAA Tournament last year and there’s portal activity going on? How challenging was that for you?

DAVIS: “I don’t think it was challenging. Again, my focus is on the team and is on basketball. But also, my job and responsibility is to think and focus on other things at the same time. That’s just part of the job and I accept that and as I said before, I love it. I don’t look at it as challenging. I look at it as that’s part of my job.”

Q: The portal opens in 25 days. When does Jim (Tanner) start?

DAVIS: “Now.”

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