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THI TV: Chizik On Improvement, LB Depth, Canes & Much More

CHAPEL HILL – North Carolina defensive coordinator Gene Chizik met with the media Monday for his weekly press conference at the Kenan Football Center to discuss his unit’s performance in the win over Virginia Tech while looking ahead to Saturday’s game at Miami.

UNC defeated the Hokies, 41-10, holding them to 273 total yards and 14 first downs. Tech failed to score in the second half and amassed just 92 yards and five first downs.

Above is the video of Chizik’s presser, and below are some notes and pulled quotes from what he had to say:

*Chizik was obviously pleased with how his defense played in the win over the Hokies. He said the mood of the unit was really good in practice, and for good reason. He said it was the “first time we’ve put together four quarters that were consistent with the execution… I thought it was a higher level of focus. And all the way around, a higher level of execution. I thought they were into the game. When we got up, and the game looked like it might be getting out of hand, there was still a level of focus. We didn’t see a drop off.

“Conversely, if you go back a few weeks ago, using the Appalachian State game as an example, we got up by 20, and I didn’t feel like the focus was the same, and all of a sudden, we were in a dog fight in the end.”

*What stat stood out to Chizik the most from Saturday’s performance?

“One of the things we always look at on Sunday is explosive plays given up versus explosive plays we got as a team,” Chizik said. “And I think the number was 17 that we had offensively to two. Any time you can give up (only) two explosive plays in a football game, more than likely you’re going to be playing really well on defense.”

Chizik said a good game for defenses is in the range of eight explosives allowed, and bad performances usually mean opponents are in the teens with the number of their explosives. And, with UNC having a 17-2 advantage in that department, it’s no surprise it won so convincingly.

*A key in Saturday’s performance was some adjustments the defense made at halftime. Overall, Carolina has an excellent day allowing just 10 points on 273 yards and 14 first downs. But in the second half, the Hokies failed to score while managing just 92 yards and five first downs.

“There was great communication of what was going on on the field,” Chizik said about halftime.

*UNC forced seven punts among Tech’s 11 possessions, five of which came in consecutive series in the second half. Chizik said he could see his group gaining confidence each time they got off the field.

“It looked like they were playing faster, they were playing more confident,” Chizik said. “I think as the game went on, I think you saw that happen… We were able to get off the field consistently, which was a big deal.

“I just felt like watching it from up there (press box), it was the first that we had put it together and it looked fast, it looked faster. They looked like they played with more confidence, and I think as the game went on, they continued to have fun and really execute.”

*Did the meeting the defensive players had last week allow them to shape the tree some and remove some stress, and is that part of why they played looser and faster against the Hokies?

“Whether it was the meeting or whatever it was, I felt like there was confidence in the execution of the plan,” Chizik said. “I felt like a huge priority for them as players was to go out and play for each other and have fun. And I think you could see that unfold.

“They need to play like that every week. We’re in game six, the season’s half over after Saturday. And that’s what we talked about. The season’s half over. There’s really nothing more people are going to show you from an offensive scheme that you haven’t seen. The first five games you see about everything.

“So, go out and have fun, and it was the first time I really felt like they went out there and they had fun, and they ran around and they executed at a high level most of the game.”

*True freshman LB Deuce Caldwell made an impression Saturday by getting four tackles, including a sack leading to an interesting celebratory display afterward. But, with Sebastian Cheeks out for the season and Rara Dillworth still coming back from a concussion suffered versus Notre Dame, Caldwell is the third linebacker for the Tar Heels right now. Caldwell arrived in the summer, but with UNC so thin at that position, he could be called on at any time. Chizik said he’s speeding up the learning process in practice.

“Coming along,” Chizik said. “RaRa, obviously, didn’t dress out (versus Virginia Tech), so (Caldwell) got thrown into more of the mix last week, which is really good, because now we can keep bringing him along. It’s baby steps, and when he’s in the game we have to be mindful.

“Sometimes, when guys are in the game, you have to be mindful of what you’re calling. When you have a young guy in there, especially at that position when there’s so much going on. It’s not like you just go in there and rush the passer.

“You have run fits. Where do I fit in the defense, where do I fit if there’s a pressure call. Oh, it’s pass, where do I fit now in the pass game. Linebacker has a lot of moving parts, so you have to be smart about what you’re calling when he’s in there…

“I thought he did an excellent job preparing last week. I thought Coach Thig (Tommy Thigpen) did a great job getting his prepared. And we’ll give him more this week.”
