Published Feb 3, 2022
UNC Advisory: Counterfeit Tickets For Duke Game
UNC Athletics & Communications
UNC Athletics & Communications

Chapel Hill, NC – The University of North Carolina Department of Athletics wants to make all fans aware of potential counterfeit tickets. Because of this, and because of the enormous interest in the game this Saturday between Carolina and Duke, the Department of Athletics encourages fans purchasing tickets to ONLY purchase through UNC authorized sources.

• The North Carolina Athletics Ticket Office, and StubHub are the only authorized sources for tickets to Carolina Athletics events.

Fans purchasing tickets from unauthorized sources (including Vivid Seats, CraigsList, EBay, and ticket brokers) assume the risk that tickets purchased are counterfeit or the barcodes have been invalidated. Any fan attempting to enter Dean E. Smith Center with counterfeit or invalid barcodes will be denied entry. Anyone seeing suspicious activity on campus, including the sale of questionable tickets for athletic events, should contact UNC Police.

Tickets for the Carolina-Duke game are sold out. A reminder that the best place to purchase tickets for athletic events is through the UNC ticket office or through the StubHub link at StubHub is an official partner of Carolina Athletics.