There are big weekends on a college campus, and then there are big weekends. Chapel Hill will be hopping this Friday and Saturday. The Tar Heel Basketball program kicked off the 2023-24 season Friday night in the Dean Smith Center with its Live Action event. That was just enough to whet the appetites of Tar Heel Nation as 12th-ranked football squad takes on Miami Saturday night in the biggest game of the year thus far.
It is the perfect time for Hubert Davis and his staff to host four visitors. UNC commits, Drake Powell and James Brown, got a large sample size of what their future homes will be like as they both took their senior visits. 2025 wing Jackson Keith, and 2026 post Rivers Knight were on unofficials Friday night.
This weekend was the largest quantity of basketball visitors since three were in town on September 16 when the Tar Heel hosted Minnesota on the gridiron.